Wednesday, June 12, 2013

When did Hunting rifles begin? - Technology - Gadgets and Gizmos

There has not been exact account that tell who invented the guns. It was believed that guns came about when the European armies were using Chinese powder long ago and accordingly, hunters who started using rifles were accounted to have started during the hype of military technology up until today.

Accordingly, the first guns were miniature cannons that are made from metal tubes which used gunpowder that trigger a ball-shaped projectile and the first attempts to make these guns available dates back during the English Civil War in the 16th century. Since then, it paved the way for some innovations with series of ring devices such as the matchlock, the flintlock and the Wheelock. These guns had several problems that made the soldiers gave up and instead of firing these guns against their enemies, they ended up throwing these guns at them!

One of the problems encountered in the early years was the gunpowder's tendency to accumulate in the grooves that gave hunters hard time cleaning up the rifle barrels. Speed of loading the ammunitions was also a problem before as even the experienced hunters find it too hard to load and could only fire up to three times per minute.

During the 1800s in France, the integrated cartridge was developed where the bullet, powder and the firing charge are combined in a casing and the loading times were reduced. As the technology progresses, there have been a lot of improvements and one of which is the breech-loading mechanisms and refinements to cartridge design which were mostly made on the battlefield and thereafter introduced on other activities, particularly hunting.

On the other hand, in North America, rifles were not only used for self-defense but for hunting, as well. In the late 1800's, hunting has been widespread in most parts of the American colonies and had become the tradition of many Americans. And since hunting had been America's tradition, successful undertakings are mostly done with the use of equally powerful scopes such as Trijicon Accu-Pointv Scopes. These scopes provide hunters optimum aiming-point illumination and ideal reticle or target contrast.

Indeed, the history of hunting rifles can be traced back some centuries ago. Most of their innovations were undertaken during the military period and thereafter introduced to some recreational activities such as hunting. Moreover, hunting trips may not be successful without hunting scopes and only the best should be considered like Trijicon Accu-Pointv Scopes. Using these scopes will amazingly result in lightning-fast precision aiming in any light without failure-prone batteries for maximum shooting success. Enjoy hunting and be safe!

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

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