Saturday, June 29, 2013

Campaign Against Canned Hunting - Non-Profit

The hunting industry is both wealthy and powerful. Their pro-hunting arguments are clever and laced with casuistry. They put you to sleep, keep you calm, with phrases like population control, sustainable use and, believe it or not, conservation.

They would have you believe that they are such masters of their chosen profession that they kill quickly, quietly and painlessly. It's humane, they'll tell you.

Don't let yourself be sedated! Hunting is not conservation, and to call it humane is laughable. IT IS NOT OK!

Wealthy western nations are brutalizing Southern Africa's wildlife by propping up a vast canned hunting industry that churns out magnificent, noble animals to be drugged, tortured and murdered by the thousands.

This entire process is like some surreal, horrific nightmare and the outrage of the compassionate masses is masterfully diverted and confounded so that hunting continues unabated, unseen.Do something about it

You want a challenge? Make this your fight. Oblige other reasonable people to make it their fight. Raise funds, gather information and organize a resistance. Help us spearhead this movement.

The Campaign Against Canned Hunting needs resources. Support us from wherever you are in the world:

Battle lines have already been drawn and we will not stop until ALL canned hunting is eradicated from southern Africa.

By ourselves, we:

But with your help we can do so much more. Our goal is to be able to create a large wildlife sanctuary and rehabilitation center for the unwanted lions that will otherwise have to be eradicated as we succeed in shutting down the thousands of hunting operations in South Africa.

We have the experience and expertise to do it. We have the belief that we can bring about this change because it is right to do so. We need you to believe this too...

Create an account on our website so that we can keep you up to date with what's happening on the front lines or contact us for more info, and make a donation, big or small.

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