Saturday, June 29, 2013

Combining Call Hunt Groups and Time of Day Call Routing - Technology - Communication

What is a Call Hunt Group?

A call hunt group is a method of distributing incoming telephone calls from an exclusive telephone number - the advertised number of a business, for example-to a group of telephone lines, or telephone agents. The algorithm, or set of rules, used to direct incoming calls to one line or another varies from system to system, resulting in "hunting" that can be described as "linear", "circular", or "most idle". "Linear" hunting always starts at the telephone line with the lowest number, and if that line is unanswered or busy, calls are transferred to the second line and the third and so on, until answered. "Circular" hunting works in much the same way but, when the final line in the hunt group is reached, hunting resumes at the first. "Most idle" hunting is the type most often used in call centres, because it allows incoming calls to be balanced between agents, based on the idle versus busy time of individual telephone lines. More sophisticated systems of this type include an e lement of "wrapping up" time, allowing telephone agents to complete paperwork, etc., before taking the next incoming call.

What is Time of Day Routing?

Time of day routing essentially, allows a business to deal effectively with incoming telephone calls, regardless of the time of day or indeed the day of the week. During normal business hours-say, 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m., Monday to Friday - for example, calls can be directed to an office whilst after 5.00 p.m. or at weekends or both, calls can be directed to a home telephone or mobile number at your discretion. Alongside a voicemail facility for those calls which cannot be answered - and, possibly, including the ability to send voicemail messages as email attachments to a designated address, without user intervention-time of day routing can mean that all incoming calls are dealt with professionally.

Call Management

Many businesses operate a call centre of one form or another, whether it be a formal arrangement, involving dedicated call centre agents in a single location, or an informal arrangement, possibly with staff in multiple international locations. In either case and whatever the number of staff involved, call management - including call hunt groups and time of day routing, in combination-can provide a seamless and satisfying experience for telephone callers to a business at any time.

Telephone callers typically appreciate a single number on which to contact any member of staff but, by the same token they also appreciate being able to select individual departments, and moreover actually getting through to a real person without the phone ringing for an excessively long period of time. Availability is key but, at times when calls cannot be taken in person, automation should be such that callers are not required to select endless keypad options and not forwarded to multiple voice mailboxes. Correctly implemented, call hunt groups and time of day routing make all this possible and help to make sure that a caller's experience of your telephone system - which may, of course, be his or her first experience of your business - a happy one.

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

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