Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Dangers of Being a Real Estate Agent - Society - Social Issues

Real estate agents are at a real risk of getting attacked. The surprising part is that not many real estate agents look at their jobs as being a dangerous one. They consider it part of their job to take new people to see various properties. Some renowned real estate companies even send off their star agents on client entertainment dinners so that they can close a large sale for some real estate homes.

It is a fact that the real estate search for an individual takes him to various homes and these real estate homes need to be shown by real estate agents. The nature of the real estate agent job is such that these personnel make more than 70% of the monthly income through commissions on the sales made.

It is not doubt therefore that real estate agents continue to ignore the dangers associated with their jobs and continue what is expected.

Specifically speaking, the real estate industry poses a fair amount of challenge for the agent. Not only do the agents interact and meet complete strangers as potential clients but they also need to take them to visit homes for evaluation and consideration. In most case these trips are made to empty homes that have been put up for sale. There have been a fair number of incidents where real estate agents have been mugged with purses and jewelry stolen in the last few years. Some real estate salespeople have also lost their lives due to injuries incurred during such attacks.

There are a fair number of precautions that real estate agents can take to ensure self protection. While the realtors association is trying to create an awareness of the potential dangers and how they can be avoided, any amount of efforts put behind the cause are required.

Some of the precautions that you, as a real estate agent, can take are:

- Demand that your client meets you at the office before you step out for the actual visit. This gives you a chance to size up the client in some way. You should not be fooled by 'first looks' alone and continue being alert. This is mainly because unless you are a trained professional who has learnt to identify potential attackers, there is no way in which you can judge on appearances alone. However, a first meeting can give you certain vibes that you should register as cues.

- While at the office, make sure that you note the license number and any other detail that you can, with regards to the identity of the potential client.

- Taking your own vehicle to the real estate site and ensuring that the client follows is a good idea. This is essential because weapons can be hidden in the 'so-called' potential clients' vehicle. Also with a vehicle there are far higher chances of making a dash for it in case of an incident.

- If possible, get a buddy along with you for visits to real estate homes. Two people are better than one when it comes to managing an attack.

- At the venue, real estate agents should try and keep the client moving in front of them while moving around the house. This allows you to keep an eye on the stranger.

- Real estate companies can play an extremely significant role by ensuring that they do not use glamorous shots of real estate women agents. Such ads are obviously likely to attract fake clients who may be looking for more than just a view of the real estate house on sale.

- Arrange a code word or an alert that you can send back to headquarters and your family in case you perceive a real and strong attack.

- Women real estate agents should consciously avoid wearing expensive jewelry to work.

- Last but not the least, carry some self defense products like the pepper spray or the stun Gun so that you can defend yourself temporarily if and when attacked. Self defense products help you in feeling safe and comfortable as you go about your work. You can rest assured that once you have your own easy-to-use self defense products you shall be able to use them effectively in case the need arises.

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

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