Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Right Supplies for Hunting - Autos

No matter what type of hunting you do, there are certain hunting supplies that can make your trip better. Planning and preparation are essential to enjoying a hunting trip that is safe as well as productive.

In years past, hunting supplies consisted of a Gun and Ammunition. However, things have changed, and they have changed for the better. One of the most essential changes is the way we arrive at hunting destinations. Instead of having to walk or hike through rough terrains, we can now drive a vehicle. The addition of suspension lift kits to our trucks allow us to drive into rough terrains and provide the clearance needed for off-road use. In addition, more than ever before, we are conscious of safety issues related to hunting. Moreover, we now have a wide assortment of hunting supplies that can give us a real advantage in hunting and other outdoor adventures. Advanced scopes provide easy sighting of our prey, and modern hunting gear keeps us warm and dry. The truth is, with so many items and supplies available, it is easy to be confused about what are absolutely necessary and optional accessories that will make your trip more comfortable and fun.

Having a list of hunting supplies you may need, will help ensure true preparation for your trip. Of course, every hunter will have a unique list that caters to his or her personal preferences; however, there will be some common items on every list.

Safety is always a priority, and fortunately, there are countless pre-made first aid kits available. Optionally, you can create your own kit. Making your first aid kit offers the advantage of customizing the contents according to each hunting trip and specific needs. Some of the basics that should be included in every first aid kit are pain relievers, band-aids, sunscreen, antacids, saline eyewash, medical tape, scissors, tweezers, ACE bandage, sterile gauze bandages, cotton swabs, antiseptic wipes, and any personal prescription medications. A product called Quikclot, can be a real lifesaver during an emergency situation. This is a powdered coagulant that quickly clots blood.

Besides a first aid kit, it is important to ensure that you take along plenty of water. Always take more than you think you will need. An injury, illness or other emergency can resulted in an unexpected need for extra water.

Suspension lift kits will provide the clearance your truck needs to travel through territory that others may miss. This could mean that you will be hunting in very isolated and remote areas. It is essential that you let others know where you will be hunting and when you will be returning home. Cell phones can be your lifeline to emergency assistance. Hand-held radios are an ideal way to keep communication open between hunting partners or party members. A GPS unit can eliminate worries about getting lost during the hunt. These devices can lead you back to your camp, or help you pinpoint your location for authorities.

When it comes to hunting basics, you will of course want to consider the weapons you will use. You should also ensure that you know and understand the hunting regulations for your hunting location. In addition, you will need to have any required hunting license and tags. A backpack that holds useful items like a knife, any needed decoys, binoculars, water, game calls, zip-lock bags, and other supplies will be very handy. It is also a good idea to include insect repellent and a snakebite kit.

The clothes you wear will play a role in your comfort and therefore, in the way you feel during your hunting trip. Orange hunter garb may be required in your area. When outdoors, staying dry is essential, always be prepared for wet weather. Gloves and a jacket are also a good idea. Even during warm weather, temperatures can drop dramatically during the night.

If you will be taking dogs along on your hunting trip, you will need to ensure they have proper supplies too. This includes water and food, food and water bowls, proper collar and leash, doggie shoes if hunting in rough terrain, and even an orange or yellow bandana that will make sighting the dog easy.

If your hunting trip includes camping, you will also need lanterns, flashlights, sleeping bags, pillows, cooking utensils, rags, water jugs, rope, duct tape, and possibly even a portable heater. Additionally, you may want to take along other items that can make camping more comfortable. A fold-up chair or stool will add to your comfort and something for entertainment, such as a deck of playing cards, will add to the enjoyment of camping.

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

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