Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Best Films From Ben Affleck, Massachusetts Boy, on Satellite TV

When it comes to hometown heroes, no one is quite as beloved as Ben Affleck. From unfortunate turns as tough-guy romantic leads to his underrated performances in Kevin Smith features, Affleck has done a bit of it all. And since he began as a success story surprise, with his writing and acting in "Good Will Hunting" netting him Oscar recognition and the chance to work with anyone, he's one of the longest enduring household names in Hollywood. For those who are also from Massachusetts, Affleck is the kind of hometown boy who hasn't forgotten the old neighborhoods. From his work in "Gone Baby Gone" to directing big-screen bank heist films set in Boston, Affleck definitely cares about telling hometown stories.

For those who know him only from forgettable B movies on satellite tv late at night, it's unfair to categorize Affleck as a so-so actor who only takes roles to pay the rent. With a surprising capacity for comedy and drama, he's a successful actor for choosing interesting roles that make him expand beyond the cliche he could continue to play over and over again. For some of the best Affleck films on satellite tv, one only needs to start with the art house success story "Chasing Amy." The film that catapulted Kevin Smith into the world of serious directors, Affleck was forced to play a likable yet unlikable guy living in the world of comic book design. For a regular audience, this plot would have fallen apart with a nerdier actor. Affleck, even when annoying, manages to hold everything together. And for this, he helped Kevin Smith move into serious directing territory, even with the misstep of the other Affleck film "Jersey Girl."

When not showing his sensitive side in Kevin Smith films, Affleck has also had the chance to shine in his own vehicles. The recent critically acclaimed film "The Town" saw Affleck not just as the actor, but also the director. From gripping stunt driving to believable melodrama, he managed to pull it off. Likewise, his success with childhood friend Matt Damon in the runaway hit "Good Will Hunting" proved that he could act his background, but in a different way. Playing a guy from Boston looking to get out, Affleck was likable and believable. And his writing on the script was one of the main reasons he found more work in Hollywood.

Of course, those with HDTVs and a thirst for action know him more from roles like "Daredevil," the comic book hero. While Affleck wasn't an obvious choice for the part, he managed to do a decent job with the action hero genre. While not one of his best films, "Daredevil" is a great choice for a fun afternoon with popcorn and mindless fun. And unlike other serious actors in Hollywood, it's quite unique to say he manages a convincing performance in something a bit more corny. When it comes to a surprisingly variety of roles and a consistently decent career, there are few actors who can boast the success that Ben Affleck does. For movie-viewers, he's a perfect choice for an entire filmography viewing.

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