Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Send Your Corporate Team on a Treasure Hunt - Sports

Chances are your corporate executive staff works well together. However, they may benefit from experiencing a little fun while fine-tuning their interpersonal skills.

Sending your corporate team on a treasure hunt has quite a few advantages. For starters, it helps provide a fun event for your team that has a special purpose-to strengthen its cohesiveness.

A treasure hunt usually involves quite a few problems to solve and tasks to complete, which are two of the most important elements in the executive world. It also helps your team still stick together despite a little healthy competition-between each other and other teams.

One task that usually takes place during a treasure hunt is to find specific locations and/or objects with the use of clues. This is very difficult to do if only one person is doing it. However, when a team puts ideas together a strong new collaborative idea is born, and this is what is supposed to get the job done.

Other tasks may involve activities that improve creativity, such as arranging a photo layout design. Another assignment may involve organizational skills, such as arranging a simple corporate expense list.

While taking part in a corporate treasure hunt there may be one or more resources made available to each team. Besides the clues that are given, a survey map of the treasure hunt area may be handed out to view, and a Trivia Quiz (most likely work and office-related) may need to be taken.

Along with the resources that are given there will also be a proposed agenda, which is similar to what is given in the real corporate world. There always has to be a plan, and that plan usually starts with this proposal-which can be subject to change according to the needs of the group.

There are several ways that winners of these treasure hunt events could be determined. Numbers of points could be given out for completed quests, or a point could be given out for every successful answer given for each individual task to be done. For example, if your group reaches a particular location before others your group may get a point for that, or your group may get a point for each individual clue you correctly solve.

After the treasure hunt is completed prized may be given out to the winner. For instance, one team may possibly receive a bottle of wine, or perhaps a gift card, or even some cash.

The goal of the treasure hunt is to learn how to manage time wisely, delegate tasks effectively, or to communicate successfully. Even if only one team gets a prize everyone is a winner at these events because everyone is sure to learn something from them.

Your corporate team can design your own specialized treasure hunt game to meet your overall company needs. You can also find itineraries put together for you and all you need to do is sign up for that event.

Treasure hunts can least all day, half a day, or even for just one hour. It depends upon how much time you have and what your company hopes to accomplish. There are treasure hunt packages available that fit any company budget.

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

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