Thursday, June 13, 2013

Indian Tiger - Travel

Royal Bengal tigers are commonly known as Indian tigers and these tigers ostly live in forests or grasslands. Actually this helps the Indian tigers to hide and find preys. These tigers are swift in movements and are strong swimmers. It is believed that these Indian tigers have color vision to some extent like the cats. Majority of the tigers have orange coats, a fair medial and stripes that vary from brown or hay to pure black. Most of the tigers have more than hundred stripes.These animals are simply gorgeous and attract a wide range of wildlife tourists India from different global destinations for tiger safari. Indian Tigers are beautiful and to increase tourist attraction, several tiger reservation projects have been taken up by government to save these creatures. Indian tigers usually roam around an area of twenty square kilometers. The fact is interesting that Indian tigers have specific territories within a forest. There may be conflict between tigers if any one cros ses or overlaps a particular territory.The Indian tigers mainly feed upon wild cattle, wild boar, deer, water buffalos etc.These tiger often kill leopards and bears, even the female tigers, which may be comparatively smaller in size than male tigers, are quite capable of killing adult gaurs. Rhino calves along with young elephants are often taken when they are left unprotected by their herds. A case where a tiger killed an adult female Indian rhino has been observed.In India, various techniques have been adapted to keep a track of these tigers. Previously, population of tigers were measured suing pugmarks of the tigers and at present hidden cameras are in use for the camera tapping process. Tiger poaching is a punishable crime in India and government has initiated several tiger conservation projects to save the beauty of these Indian tigers.Indian tigers can survive in varied habitats, varied habitats - grasslands, subtropical and tropical rainforests, wet and dry deciduous forests, scrub forests, and mangroves. There are innumerous forests in India that have Royal Bengal tigers and government is very optimistic about future of Indian tigers. Under strict conservation, numbers of tigers are now mounting up.It is said that among different species of tigers, Indian tigers are most beautiful and these tigers contribute considerably in maintenance of ecological balance in the forests. Numbers of Indian tigers have increased significantly under the "Project Tiger" plan, executed during 1972.Indian tigers prefer hunting its prey during nights and usually remain within elephant grasses. As Indian tigers are strong swimmers, it acts as an added advantage during its hunting. Different tiger conservation units are ideal places to search for Indian tigers. These tigers are really beautiful and have high aesthetic value.

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