Sunday, June 23, 2013

Hunting is the Art of Tracking - Outdoors - Hunting

Hunting is the art of tracking and killing live animals for the purposes of food or recreation. In the United States hunting has always been a popular past time for many men and women. While some people do not advocate hunting animals, it is deemed necessary to help control wildlife overpopulation when there is a shortage of other predators in their environment. Wildlife overpopulation can cause food shortages and widespread disease among a population of animals.

In the US you need to obtain a license in most areas to hunt. All states have different rules and regulations such as seasonal hunting and posted hunting grounds you must follow. Some of the most popular animals hunted in the US are white-tailed deer, brown bear, black bear, foxes, and birds such as quail, turkey, pheasants, and grouse. Most of these animals have a certain season you can hunt them during, and some even have certain times you have to be out of the woods. There are many helpful items you can buy to lure your prey towards you such as decoys, calls, or scent markers. Also buying certain clothing will help you camouflage yourself into the environment so your prey will not be able to see you. Take proper caution when choosing what to wear into the woods as other hunters may mistake you for an animal. Some hunters wear orange to distinguish themselves to other hunters, and sometimes its the law to wear something orange during certain hunting seasons.

There are many different hunting gear stores and sometimes choosing the right gear for you can be tricky. A common practice among white-tailed deer hunters is to purchase a tree stand. There are so many different types of tree stands it can prove difficult to settle on one. Many of these shops sell guns, scopes, bullets, bows, bow accessories, footwear, clothing, backpacks, warmers, decoys, calls, and many other items. It can become quite an expensive hobby especially if you are just starting out. However if you pursue the hobby for many years you will probably acquire so much gear you will never use it all. Somethings you should bring into the woods with you for safety are: GPS device, waterproof matches, a sharpener and knife, rope, compass, canteen, poncho or waterproof jacket, flashlight, first aid kit, small in portion but high in energy foods such as nuts, trail mix, granola bars, protein bars. Travel light but smart. The one time you leave something out may be the o ne time you need it the most.

There are many hunting survival courses you can take to help you if you get lost in the woods. It can become very easy to be disorientated in the woods and if you start to panic you may get yourself into more trouble. These schools will teach you the right way to find fresh water. How to make a proper shelter. How to stay calm and avoid injury. What tools can help save you. What food to try to find or capture. How to make a proper fire. How to stay noticeable enough to be found. The right knowledge and tools could prove the difference between life and death. is everything about hunting the outdoors./

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