Thursday, June 13, 2013

Choosing the Best Stag Knives For the Experienced Outdoorsmen - Business

The infamous Bowie knife, named after Jim Bowie, is one that holds a mystique to many outdoorsmen since the 1800's. Various manufacturers of stag knives exist today. Hunting knives are typically not used to kill, but they are used in the preparation. The solid construction gives a distinct feeling of security to whoever is holding the knife. The antlers of these animals also make for a good source for stag handle knives.Knives come in many styles and designs. Vintage Pocket Knives/k/anonymous/-/6fj9e199ajwu/8/pocket-knife-care-made-simple/3494.html/blog/2010/10/knife-safety-in-the-kitchen.html That comes in part from the length and strength of it's blade.Both hunters and collectors alike appreciate the craftmanship that goes into making the various styles.When holding a knife, one wants to be assured that what is in their hand is not going to snap or crack with the first or consequential uses. In addition, stag knives are now made to be foldable, like the Case xx brand, wh ile still maintaining the integrity of the original design.Stag bone antler carries an aesthetic appeal of rustic and outdoorsy charm. There has been a growth in the use of other antler bones in the US for stag knives such as deer and elk. The balance and cutting ability of a knife are amongst its most important characteristics. What is a stag knife? A stag knife is truly a hunter's knife. However, a lot of people do not always associate the significance of a knife based upon its handle. So why is the use of stag antlers over other animal antler bones in the making of these knives so important? That answer is easy. The vintage stag knife is distinct in it's appearance by one main aspect... Usually for cutting up and skinning the game. It's handle is made from deer and elk antlers. One such knife of note is what is called a stag knife. There is something to be said for the way a knife looks sheathed on your belt and the stag knife definitely makes for a good-looking knife.Man y of these knife makers are excellent in sticking to the character of stag knives.

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