Saturday, June 1, 2013

Archery Hunting: How To Hunt Alone or In A Group - Outdoors

Have you ever considered archery hunting? If you are a female, you may see it as a man's sport but there are a few women in the sport who are taking bow hunting to new and higher levels. When you bow hunt, men and women understand how to listen to themselves and use their body to control the hunt. When you don't use a Gun, there's not much you can hide behind and this can be slightly intimidating.

If you want to hunt but are tired of using firepower, then bow hunting is a sport that you can get into. Many people are finding bow hunting a way to enjoy hunting once more. However, it is serious business and needs to be taken as much. For instance, you need break the safety zone. What does this mean? It means that, unlike guns, you have to creep closer to the animal to get a clean shot at them. It means you move closer to the animal and if they sense you, they may charge at you. Hunters who use bows instead of guns have to be aware of this possibility at all times.

If you take up bow hunting as a sport, you'll notice that you don't have to do near as much guessing as before. However, many traditional bow hunters will shun these new inventions such as vision goggles, GPS sensors. Newer bow hunters often welcome these pieces of technology. Whether you are old school or new school of bow hunting, you share the ultimate goal with other hunters: to get the ultimate prey.

Many Types of Hunts and Hunting Activities

If you are going to go bow hunting, it's important to identify which type of bow hunting you plan to do. For instance, you can do the big game bow hunting. These are quite popular and typically involve the following animals:

- Elks- Caribou- Mountain goats- Mountain lions

However, some hunters will go after bears since there is a high demand for them especially for those bow hunting. One reason this trend is increasing is the element of danger bear hunting provides to people. Think of it like this: you are running in front of the bulls, hoping you don't get hurt and succeed to the finish line. Bow hunting bears is a thrill that can't be obtained with any other animal hunt.

If you have plans to go bow hunting, you can always book a trip through a reputable company. Companies will take a few hunters at a time to a particular section of the woods where there are an abundance of animals hunters would like to kill. These companies will have guides that take the hunters to the spot, monitor everything going on and give tips to hunters. If you plan to do a hunting trip like this, make sure to choose seasons that are popular.

When you bow hunt, it's best to know how to bait your animal. Hunting guides often bring along bait for the hunters. If you go it alone, you'll have to know where to place the bait and know where you plan to hide to wait for the prey to become trapped by your bait. If you go along with guides, make sure to listen to them, as the majority of them are professionals.

If you have a particular animal you are hunting for with a guide, your guide will take you to where the concentration of the prey is usually highest. All hunters will, first, set up a camp and then look for places to lay the bait. After bait has been placed out in varying areas, bow hunters are then given areas to hunt within. After this is complete, the guide will instruct hunters on how to stay safe with a few techniques and rules. Once this is complete, it's time to hunt the animals down.

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