Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Which Pig Hunting Dogs To Opt For And Why - Outdoors - Hunting

Whenever you are faced with an intensive pig hunting trip you ought to be at least equipped with the right skills, knowhow and the best equipment. Without the best of the best you could just end up going back home frustrated as if you ran into a wild pig and it spoke to you like a human, when all it did was run away unnoticed. In order to catch wild pigs or hogs you might need pig hunting dogs, they surely make the task a whole lot simpler than it would have been if all you had was a rifle and a few pig tracking techniques up your sleeve.

Dogs that are trained to hunt down wild pigs and boars are split into two well-defined categories. The first category includes Bay dogs. Bay dogs have the seemingly simple responsibility of having to harass and intimidate the hog, whilst keeping it one spot the entire time. A bay dog is supposed to be very vocal so as to inform the owner of a hog that has been spotted by the bay dog and it must also have a good sense of smell. Once the owner has heard the alert call he will then proceed to go for the kill. Generally cur dogs are used for this purpose and examples of such dogs would be: The Rhodesian Ritchback, Blue Lacy, Blackmouth, Plott Hound and the Foxhound only to name a few.

The next category of hunting dogs includes the Catch dogs. As the name implies, these Catch dogs are meant to seize the wild pig at the very base of its ears. The moment the pig has been held by the neck the catch dog can then hold it down until the chief hunter has arrived with the death knell. There is a long list of dogs that can be used for this purpose, preferably the vicious and bully-minded like: The American Pit-Bull Terrier, the American Bulldog, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, only to name a few.

However, it is very rare to have both types of dogs in the same hunting expedition since they perform two totally different functions. But on a basic level this outdoor adventures guide should serve you purposes as far as pig hunting dogs are concerned. Good luck!

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

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