Monday, January 28, 2013

Hunting games - Hobbies - Games

Deer hunting and bear hunting games are said to be the best in the field of graphics and killing of animals. That is true, but games that have hunting in them,don't have to be a bad thing. Hunting is not entirely bad but some may totally differ about the idea that hunting is not bad, but these games save animals for the day, wouldn't you agree? Here are some favorable reasons why I think playing some games that have hunting in them is a good idea. 1.More security, you have when you are playing fun hunting games in your house. In the woods or the forest, you could be attacked by animals, get shot at mistakenly or miss and rub or touch the wrong plant and end up itching for days. When you are at home you are way more safe then going out in nature. 2.It is cheaper, for you to hunt when you are at home. You don't have to buy shot guns, binoculars, hunting license and shot Gun shells, just to name a few. Playing hunting games at home is very cheap and if you don't have money to buy hunting games, then you can play some online hunting games.3.Everyone can play the games. If your wife is not into nature or outdoors type of person and you both want to experience something new and different together this game is for you. Hopefully if she has a lot of fun she may decide to go hunting with you for real.

Here are some games, I played and loved. 1.3D Hunting 2010- In this game you have over twenty locations, where you hunt many animals at different locations. It has great graphics and nice weather effects in the game. 2.Hunting unlimited- This game has a great location in it was you train and learns before you go hunting. You have eleven different locations you can hunt. Another great thing about this game is that you have a slow motion button or place where you can watch your shots you have shot. 3.Deer hunting 4- You are a hunter, hunting different animals. In this game you have the effect of different seasons. There is a penalty, if you kill a protected animal so be careful. I hope you enjoy these games and tell me how you feel about the games I have suggested.

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

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