Saturday, January 19, 2013

learn effective self defense - Self Help - Advice

Hey there!

This article is my personal story about knowing good self defense is critical to your life.

After my story I will show you where you can learn the most effective self defense techniques without training for years and years in a martial art.

Im only 21 years old, I live in south africa.

I have some martial art experience, a year taekwando and a year aikido, and train at home on a daily basis.

Last year I was in my car waiting for a friend to get ready, sitting inside my car parked outside her house when a van came from behind and then swirved into me. First I thought some idiot was drunk and drove into me...but no, 4 guys got out the van, one had a Gun and pointed it at me. I realised what was happening...was like "oh cr* being jacked". I wasn't scared really at all, actually wondering if the guys Gun was real. I did what they told me to do, got out the car and gave them what they wanted. They were pretty small and if the guy didnt have a Gun I probably would have run away from them and fought them one by one if they followed. Decided it wasnt worth the risk though, Im not bullet proof. It didn't phase me much actually, my stuff was insured so it was just a hassle nothing more.

Recently, I was caught off guard again, was with a girl that i was seeing, it was late at night, and ffor the first time she was driving because we had to get something from the shop quick. Coming back to her house, it turns out her crazy ex just shows up there, and he was all superagressive. He wasn't big, just a little scary because he was agressive and I didnt know his intentions. I was a bit like "what is he gonna do" but decided not to do anything until he would attack me. I just stayed calm and talked it out. At one stage he did attempt to push me, but i immediately responded to that agressively and said "if you touch me going to act". he didnt touch me again.

I've never really been in a lot of fights,I avoid them when I can, but I am fit and have trained hard, and when it comes to a fight I don't play around, its about immobilising the attacker asap, this means attacking knees,groin,other joints like the wrist elbow and shoulder, and eyes and throat.

I think the reason to train in martial arts is to turn things into a reflex, because the adrenaline from a real fight situation causes people to freeze and not be able to act and thus get hurt. Adrenaline can reduce your motor skills and thus you cand execute difficult manoeuvres with accuracy like in the dojo. The reason for training is that it becomes automatic, so when a fist comes at you, you can evade it, block it, or counter it without event thinking. Fighting should become so natural that you don't think, it doesn't matter what he does or does next, you are water,formless, unpredicatable and can react to anything!

Al Steele has personally been a victim to bullying and needing self defense and has come up with The most helpful self defense program.

Firstly he has a newsletter to which you can Sign up free, full of hints, tips and advice on saftey and selfdefense, and if you choose, you can buy his book which is even more detailed than his newsletters!

All the best, and stay safeDiggy

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

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