Saturday, January 19, 2013

5 Popular Goals For Kids' Martial Arts Classes - Family

Learning the martial arts provides children with a unique opportunity to develop skills that will last throughout their lives. The training regimen involves a dynamic unlike that of other sports, team or individual. Young people are immersed in an environment that emphasizes the importance of mental acuity as much as techniques related to self-defense. Parents should discuss the training with their children and explore how it can meet their objectives.

Today, I'll describe 5 goals that most kids' martial arts classes are designed to fulfill. We'll explore how the training regimen can help your child develop respect for others, mental and physical discipline, self-defense skills, and a competitive spirit.

#1 - Respect And Self-Control

Think back to the last time that you witnessed a child throwing a tantrum. In some cases, it's an aberration of their normally good behavior. However, it can also be a manifestation of a lack of respect and self-control. If left unchecked, the behavior can eventually develop into a sense of narcissism. Enrolling your child into judo, Taekwondo, or aikido classes can provide the platform on which they cultivate a respect for others. Such training also allows them to develop self-control and emotional restraint.

#2 - Mental Discipline

Children are often distracted from whatever task is in front of them. Sometimes, it's due merely to a lack of mental discipline. That is, they lack focus. Other times, the distraction may be related to a diagnosed condition, such as ADD or ADHD. The training involved with martial arts classes will help your child to develop mental focus. Many experts who help children with hyperactivity, problems with memorization, and other challenges related to learning recommend the structured discipline of martial arts classes.

#3 - Physical Discipline

Kids today seem less likely to get the exercise they need in order to remain healthy. The proliferation of video games has converged with a growing trend of childhood obesity to make physical fitness little more than an afterthought. When your child learns the martial arts, he or she participates in training that keeps them physically fit. They also develop a high level of coordination and balance. Plus, while team sports such as football and baseball are seasonal, the classes are year-round, ensuring a child's constant physical activity.

#4 - Self-Defense

It's important for children to learn the difference between fighting and defending themselves from harm. A lot of parents harbor concern that martial arts classes will transform their child into an aggressor. In fact, the opposite is true. Dojo instructors normally discourage open aggression as a response. Instead, they emphasize the role of self-defense, including the ability to diffuse hostile situations.

#5 - Competitive Spirit

While every adult can attest that life is filled with challenges, children are often sheltered from them. As a result, by the time they reach adulthood, many of them are ill-prepared to handle the difficulties that confront them throughout their lives. When kids enroll in martial arts classes, they'll often have the opportunity to compete in tournaments. Doing so teaches the value of participating in healthy competition. It also builds the mental fortitude required to resolve professional and personal problems later in life.

Enjoying The Journey

Whether your child chooses to learn kung-fu, karate, Taekwondo, or aikido, encourage their continuing participation. Children stand to reap several important advantages from which they'll benefit both immediately and throughout their lives. In many cases, martial arts enthusiasts start at a young age and continue their training well into their adult years. For some, it's a passion; for others, it's a hobby. For your child, it may be the beginning of a lifelong journey.

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