Sunday, March 31, 2013

Bear Hunting Needs to Be Restricted For A While - Outdoors - Hunting

The age old practice of hunting for food and the need for survival has led to the extinction of many wild life species in the world. It seems that the art of hunting in the wild has totally taken on a new meaning.

The practice of Bear Hunting began a long time ago, but it was for its meat and fur that led to it being hunted. But now it seems that the exiciment of the hunt has given way to a frenzy activity of hunting for fun. With the vast improvement in the living conditions, one would think that the hunting will stop but it is not to be so, the present the bears are regarded as prize sport in the world of hunting.

The dangers of Bear hunting adds to the chase and more and more people are joining in the hunt just to prove their superiority. The Bear population is already on the low and humanity is on the verge of losing another amnzing specimen but the hunters are still blind to it. Senseless killings will only lead to destruction. These animals are only defending themselves, if one just let them be and appreciate the bears for what they are then the world will be a lot safer for both the hunter and the hunted.

The technology has grown so much that there are many other ways to satisfy the need to hunt bears, the online games provide these types of outlets, go on hunt as much as you want but do it online and leave the real bears in peace. The hunters a filled with so much that they want to share their victories with the whole world through the internet, dont they know that it only adds oil to the fire.

Many organizations has taken up the cause to help stop Bear Hunting , but only time will tell if the world is ready to listen to them and come together to save these great and magnificent beasts . they are gifts of the wild and one must learn to appreciate them in their natural habitat here god meant them to be and not on some picture book which lists them as extinct. We owe it to the next generation and to ourselves to help preserve the wild and give them the pleasure to see bears in all its wonderful glory and try to stop wrong thinking regarding this.

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

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