Monday, February 25, 2013

The Importance Of Teaching Kids Self Defensive Skills - Education - Continuing Education

Anti-social activities are most common to the kids and the witness of that we can find in the newspapers and television channels. We often come across news like a child is kidnapped for money or a ten year old girl is being physically assaulted in the streets. With the growing ratio of crime against children, the worries of the parents are also increasing. In the four walls of home and school, the kids are safe, but what about when they go to some parks or nearby field to play some outdoor games. Being a parent, we always try to offer a safe world to our kids. As we cannot always escort the children, so it is a better idea to teach them self defensive and life skills. Several child abductions occur each year.

Parents can help prepare their children for dangerous situations by giving them some self-defense training. Self-defense training for kids includes giving them the knowledge and the skills to prevent and defend against attacks. There are many martial art forms that teach kids how to stay protected even in an adverse situation. As it is always said that precaution is better than cure, so it is a very noble idea to prepare the kids for any unpredictable situation in a very early age. While teaching them how to be protected, parents need to keep it in mind that kids should not be terrorized. First of all start talking to the child about unpredictable incidents that they may come across and also suggest them the ways through which they can come out of the situation.

Using physical force is not always necessary; a clever oral argument can be a savior at times. Yelling things like "stranger danger!" or "help!" can catch attention of the passersby and can save kids from the upcoming danger. Verbal self-defense training can teach kids how to get help or ward off attacks by making lots of noise. It is important to discuss and practice scenarios in which verbal self-defense should be used. It is always safe to make kids aware about their surroundings. If the child goes to the tuition classes after the school hours, the parents first need to make them aware of the roots so that they cannot be misguided by anyone. In modern days, the martial art classes are sprouting in every locality.

Children should be encouraged to learn these self defensive art forms. Many classes teach kids how to break free from different types of grabs. Classes also teach kids how to use punches and kicks to protect themselves, if necessary. Some of the most popular styles of martial arts for kids are tae kwon do and karate. To keep the students safe, modern day schools also provide special classes that teach defensive skills to the students. In addition to empowerment and discipline, these defensive classes offer children great exercise. When the kids develop a healthy body and mind, they can stay safe and secure from internal and external threats.

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

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