Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Choosing The Right Hunting Stand - Outdoors - Hunting

Most hunters choose a hunting stand when hunting because of better vision, out of sight and for body oder. It is not as detectable when above ground level. There are different types of hunting stands that hunters can choose from. Before you buy a stand, hunters need to take into consideration where they will be hunting what type of Gun or bow they will be using, and the type of terrain and surroundings of the location they are hunting. Another huge factor hunters need to take into consideration is the safety of the stand, the size of their body, and how the stand would work for them. A lot of accidents and deaths happen due to careless research when buying a stand to hunt from. Buying a stand that will work best for you and make your hunt a more pleasurable one is key. A hunter that is sitting out in the cold perhaps may want a stand that has a blind to help shield him from the weather, or one that will be comfortable because we all know that sometimes we set a long time and it isn't always comfortable. Different types and makes of stands come with different types of accessories, such as a rifle rest and other options. Another important factor in selecting a hunting stand is durability and convenience. Knowing which stand will adapt to the location of where you are hunting will be a big help and make the hunt more enjoyable. There are different types of hunting stands, a hunter can choose from, such as the tripod stand, or the climbing stand. The tripod stand is a "stand alone" stand and is growing in popularity. Some hunters choose this stand with the ideal that it is safer than other stands, but some hunters feel that the tripod hunting stand can be somewhat more cumbersome to transport to the hunting location. The next type of stand I will mention is the climbing tree stand. This is a favorite among the avid deer hunters because of the ease of setting up, and being more flexible to get to harder to reach areas to hunt. The climbing stand is more compact and is less restrictive than the tripod because it is placed on the tree of the hunters choosing. With the tripod stand, it is more restricted where you can hunt based on the terrain. The Summit Viper S is a popular hunting stand due to the adjustable seat. You can, lower the seat for Gun hunting, or raise the seat for bow hunting, and it is great for stealth hunting. Hunting stands have become a huge part of hunting of all types. As we all know hunting is a enjoyable sport, so pick a great stand that will work for the place and type of hunting you are doing, and get out there and hunt. For more great information on hunting stands and related topics to deer hunting go to


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