Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Taser a Woman's Safety Device - Society - Women's Issues

Women, listen up, and carry a self defense weapon for your protection. Crime and domestic Violence are still very much alive and not going away any time soon, and the highest percentage of recipients of these crimes are women. Domestic Violence accounts for the majority of injuries to women, more than rapes, robberies, or car wrecks, with one occurring every minute or so in the United States.

The Taser is the crown jewel of self defense products. Incorporated into law enforcement agencies in the 1990's, this weapon is a wonderful effective alternative to the normal lethal fire arms previously used.

The Taser is a stun Gun of sorts, once the Gun is fired compressed nitrogen sends out two probes attached by a wire about 15 feet long. 50,00 volt travel down the wires and into the body of the victim. Your attacker will go down in severe pain protecting you from harm. These painful effects are temporary, not permanent damage is done. The out of control person is subdued without lethal force, perfect from a woman's perspective. Who wants to kill someone?

The Taser uses a timing mechanism to deliver the shocks, initially a seven second jolt followed by many 1.8 second breaks, totaling about 30 seconds. This timing cycle does not allow for the person to recover and discard the probes, giving you time to get away.

This electrical shocking system causes involuntary muscle movements and contractions resulting in vertigo. It can cause the person to lose conscious for a few moments. No permanent damage will result from this weapon. Some deaths have occurred but studies have shown it was due to pre-existing health conditions such as drugs, alcohol, maybe even an enlarged heart or caused by over administration problems.

Ladies, this is an effective self defense tool clear and simple. They work!! Nearly 100% effective, the Taser C2 is a ladies choice, it's eay to hold even in a small hand, it weighs only 6 ounces, and the size of a cell phone. It comes in fashionable colors, red, pink, yellow, blue and

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

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