Sunday, February 24, 2013

Outdoor Hunting Gear and Other Hunting Supplies Details - Hobbies

Outdoor activities attract millions of devotees requiring what seems like an endless list of parts and pieces. Depending on the sport or activity, the list of essentials can be expansive as well as expensive. Let's look at the mandatory field equipment, and outdoor hunting gear needed for a safe and successful hunting trip. Personnel preference and experience give the hunter basic knowledge of what to expect and what to plan for and the minimum amount of hunting supplies that are needed.Depending on the season, supplies will differ from hunt to hunt. Fall seasons are bird dominant. Upland game bird season for instance begins in the early fall when temperatures can still be high and cool clothing and plenty of fluids are a must. A comfortable hat or cap, trousers and shirt that will protect from the sun and sun screen to protect the skin are important outdoor hunting gear pieces.The novice or beginning new hunter has several needs. First and most important is a valid state appropriate hunting license and second is the appropriate fire arm and enough Ammunition for the game to be hunted, and this is only the beginning. The new hunter needs to acquire several pieces of outdoor hunting gear. A good sharp folding hunting knife, a small compact first aid kit, and ample water for the time afield along with sufficient snacks will help keep the energy level up and fatigue down to make the day more comfortable. Many states require hunters to wear safety orange to give other hunters visual info to prevent accidents. A blaze orange cap and matching game vest keep us visible and identifiable even in low light conditions. These hunting supplies are not just necessary they are mandatory.The farther away from home the hunter goes the more important outdoor hunting gear becomes. An inventory needs to be made that includes everything that might be needed, especially if the trip is an overnight event. A sleeping bag and c amp stove with a good supply of fuel, light weight folding chairs will give creature comfort and the stove will provide hot food when hunger strikes. Correct cooking utensils and groceries will be on the inventory list. A quality ice chest and supply of ice to keep perishables cold and fresh for camp enjoyment are all part of good hunting supplies.Hunting a new or foreign area will require a good compass and a powerful source of light after dark. Getting lost can be hazardous, and a compass will help prevent that along with a powerful pair of two way radios will all but assure the group they will be able to stay in contact and aid the hunt by giving info as to where and how many game animals or fowl are available. If you travel any distance at all, things forgotten or left at home will be quickly missed and this is why a complete inventory of outdoor hunting gear is a must before you leave the house. Medications, a good comfortable pair of hunting boots or shoes and an extra set of clothes along with socks and underwear keep us healthy and civilized on any hunt.Hunting supplies and equipment that are essential are the best items to bring. Asking other experienced hunters what they need and use can keep the collection to a minimum and still provide the most for the least. Keeping weight and bulk down while working the hunting field help the hunters have what's necessary for enjoyment and success. Too much is as bad as not enough. Think it thru, load it up and enjoy.

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

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