Friday, January 18, 2013

Want to Learn Martial Arts? Read This First - Shopping - Clothing

A great number of people want to learn martial arts. Whether they're doing it for self defense, stress management or just because they saw it on UFC or in the movies, martial arts is increasing in popularity. The trick is deciding on which one you want to do. Here are a few tips for choosing the martial arts form that is best for you.

It all starts with motivation. In fact, you won't get very far in martial arts without it. If you're doing it just because of the movies, UFC or PRIDE, chances are you'll fizzle out early on. You have to have a real purpose such as stress management or self defense.

Some styles are more appropriate for stress management. Tai Chi, for example, isn't a very pragmatic style for defending yourself from an attacker. Neither is Aikido. However, these styles are great for developing a clear head and letting go of the everyday grind.

If self defense is your preference, you should look to the fighting arts that were developed for military purposes. Krav Maga, Jiujitsu and Kali are examples of "real world" self defense techniques. MMA is also a great addition to this list. You won't find spectacular spinning kicks or whirlwind punches in these forms, but they are geared towards efficiency.

Many martial arts forms are only useful in tournament situations. If your goal is to be a medal winner, competition martial arts may be your speed. Karate, Tae Kwon Do and Judo are fine examples of this. Just don't expect much in the way of meditation techniques or usefulness in self defense.

In the end, what you aim to accomplish plays a key role in deciding what martial arts form you choose. Make sure you choose with this in mind, or you may find yourself disappointed.

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

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