Sunday, January 27, 2013

South Dakota Pheasant Hunting-How to Make Your South Dakota Hunting Experience a Success - Sports

Believe it or not, one of the most important kinds of hunting is South Dakota pheasant hunting, and is something that many people try and do at least once in their hunting careers. Even if you don't live in the state, it's worth a trip or two to try it out, and I think you'll probably return again and again.

Here is some information on South Dakota pheasant hunting in order to help you get started as quickly as possible. The fist thing you obviously need to know about is a hunting license, as it's the foundation of any hunting expedition.

Regardless of whether or not you live in South Dakota, you can buy license via the internet for smaller game, and the only requirement is that you have a credit card to make the purchase with. in addition, you can buy these from agents anywhere in the state.

However, if you do live in the state of South Dakota and will be hunting yearly, you will need to purchase a new license every year. If you don't reside in South Dakota you will need a no resident license, which will run you about one hundred dollars, and is valid for ten days, and must be separated into two separate hunting trips.

This obviously makes choosing the time of year critical, because pheasant are out stronger at some times than others, and find out when the best time for the area you are going is.

So where are the top South Dakota pheasant hunting locations? The number one place I'd recommend is Rock Creek Cattle Ranch, which contains thirty nine thousand acres of hunting land for pheasant (obviously) and in addition, turkey and grouse. This is in southern South Dakota, and is certainly one of the top places in the whole state to go.

Another location you might consider is R and R Pheasant Hunting Lodge, in middle South Dakota, which has eighteen grand acres just for hunting pheasant, and nothing else. While there are many top notch South Dakota pheasant hunting, I'd recommend you start out your search with these two, and branch out from there, if need be.

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