Sunday, August 4, 2013

Why Women Want to Hook Up with Unavailable Guys - Relationships - Dating

Have you ever noticed how an attractive guy will suddenly seem hotter the moment he's off the market? Take Ryan Reynolds for example: Although he's already known to be adorable, his solid hunk status didn't kick in until he hooked up with, and then married, Scarlett Johansson. The same goes for Dax Shepard, whom we didn't bother to give a second look until he coupled up with Kristen Bell. And come to think of it, Justin Long almost never really registered in our babe-dar pre-Drew Barrymore.

According to a recent study, this phenomenon isn't just limited to our celebrity crushes. After conducting a survey on single women about the characteristics of their ideal man, Oklahoma State University researchers showed them a photo of a guy that is believed to be their "perfect match," and asked if they would hook up with him. When we revealed that their perfect match was single, 59 percent of the women said they would hook up with him. When they were told he was already spoken for, a staggering 90 percent said they would. The conclusion: Just knowing the guy is unavailable makes him more appealing. Knowing this freaky piece of information will likely set off major alarms, we decided to dig deeper so we could find out the reason behind this forbidden attraction.

Basic Instinct

For some experts, it makes perfect sense why women automatically find taken men more tempting than single ones. The reason can be traced back during the caveman days, where finding an ideal mate was a matter of life and death. If your man is not capable of protecting you and providing your basic needs, you wouldn't survive. So when you meet a guy that's in a successful relationship, the cavewoman part of your brain tells you he must be a good protector and provider, making his desirability shoot through the ceiling. Conversely, guys are different: The study revealed they had no preference for single women. This isn't really surprising, because guys don't need to do much instinctual digging to sense that a woman would be a good partner. They just look for physical signs that a woman is fertile, like possessing a nice hip-to-waist ratio, which can be visually examined on the spot.

In addition to women's primal urges, some are inadvertently drawn to unavailable guys because they see them play a purely romantic role. We can see them hold their partner's hand, open the door for her, and then women assume he's Prince Charming. They don't see the moody, burping, fantasy playing dude she's really in a relationship with.

Have you ever noticed how an attractive guy will suddenly seem hotter the moment he's off the market? Take Ryan Reynolds for example: Although he's already known to be adorable, his solid hunk status didn't kick in until he hooked up with, and then married, Scarlett Johansson. The same goes for Dax Shepard, whom we didn't bother to give a second look until he coupled up with Kristen Bell. And come to think of it, Justin Long almost never really registered in our babe-dar pre-Drew Barrymore.

According to a recent study, this phenomenon isn't just limited to our celebrity crushes. After conducting a survey on single women about the characteristics of their ideal man, Oklahoma State University researchers showed them a photo of a guy that is believed to be their "perfect match," and asked if they would hook up with him.

When we revealed that their perfect match was single, 59 percent of the women said they would hook up with him. When they were told he was already spoken for, a staggering 90 percent said they would. The conclusion: Just knowing the guy is unavailable makes him more appealing. Knowing this freaky piece of information will likely set off major alarms, we decided to dig deeper so we could find out the reason behind this forbidden attraction.

Basic Instinct

For some experts, it makes perfect sense why women automatically find taken men more tempting than single ones. The reason can be traced back during the caveman days, where finding an ideal mate was a matter of life and death. If your man is not capable of protecting you and providing your basic needs, you wouldn't survive. So when you meet a guy that's in a successful relationship, the cavewoman part of your brain tells you he must be a good protector and provider, making his desirability shoot through the ceiling. Conversely, guys are different: The study revealed they had no preference for single women. This isn't really surprising, because guys don't need to do much instinctual digging to sense that a woman would be a good partner. They just look for physical signs that a woman is fertile, like possessing a nice hip-to-waist ratio, which can be visually examined on the spot.

In addition to women's primal urges, some are inadvertently drawn to unavailable guys because they see them play a purely romantic role. We can see them hold their partner's hand, open the door for her, and then women assume he's Prince Charming. They don't see the moody, burping, fantasy playing dude she's really in a relationship with.

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

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