Saturday, August 3, 2013

How To Hunt For Coyotes - Sports - Extreme Sports

Coyote hunting is increasingly growing in popularity throughout the country. This has provided most hunters with an additional opportunity to sharpen their skills while hunting for a totally different animal species in a very different setup, night hunting. This makes learning how to hunt coyotes a very exciting venture for most hunters.

While there are many similarities between whitetail and coyote hunting, there are definitely some specific differences. Thus, if you are a greenhorn coyote hunter, then learning these differences will certainly be the key to your success. Certainly, there is no keyword to hunting; however, mastering these three tips will no doubt boost your chances of hunting coyotes successfully, whether you are seasoned or amateur hunter.

1. Get the right equipment

Though this should be obvious, the truth is that most hunters try to use the same equipment they use for whitetail hunts when hunting for coyotes at night. Using a riffle that you are already used to is certainly a great idea; but remember that you may need a riffle scope that is specifically designed for hunting coyote. When you are hunting for these animals in the dead of winter, then you need to ensure that you have the right snow shoes, boot spikes and snow outfit. In addition, you should never forget the all important hand call and an electronic call. You will need these to seal the deal when the animal comes checking.

2. Make use of the wind

Coyotes just like whitetails have a strong sense of smell. Ensure that your set up your base downwind in the path of the coyote. If you are not certain of the wind or any changes while you are out hunting, then just pack your equipment and go home. Calling all night will not yield much fruit if you cannot beat the coyote's nose.

3. Sneak into your hunting spot

Be sure to sneak in when you are headed to your hunting spot. Remember, coyotes are always on the watch, and they may already be keeping an eye on you. Use the terrain to cover your approach, remaining as quiet as possible and stopping occasionally to listen. Should the coyote signal your approach, then you are better off calling it a day and returning home.

Having the right hunting gear, using the wind and being stealthy are vital. In addition, effective use of your coyote call is equally very important. Making certain calls will certainly boost your chances. The peak season for hunting coyotes is usually between December and March. Now, these are also the coldest and most harsh time of the year for any hunter to be setting a hunting base. Therefore, be sure to get it right with your coyote hunting venture.

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1 comment:

  1. Coyote hunting is just like any other hobby; you have to put some time in getting the right equipment if you ever want to get good. However, it can be frustrating if you find yourself spending more money on coyote hunting gear than you planned while still not being able to catch anything on your hunting trips. Many buy all the equipment including guns, calls, and clothing but still meander about in the woods without much success. See more
