Monday, July 8, 2013

Ghost-Hunting Equipment 101 - Spirituality - Paranormal

Have you ever sensed that you were not by yourself?

It has happened that you may have sensed that there was another presence by your side or that you were being watched. Is your imagination running away with you?

Not so. Who you may be meeting in those uncomfortable moments is a ghost.

So before you go running out of your house screaming, let's take a moment to talk about ghostly encounters and those special people that investigate this phenomena we identify as the process called "ghost-hunting."

Let's start from scratch. Exactly what is a spirit?

A ghost or "spook" is the essence or spirit of an individual who after death has stayed on earth and not traveled beyond. A haunting can be understood as the inhabiting of a soul or spirit in a particular place.A ghost resides in a particular place in two different manifestation forms.

One type of spirit manifestation is called residual haunting. An illustration of residual haunting could be a spirit energy which remains motionless or repeats actions over and over again. This kind of haunting can be compared to listening to the same sound track again and again or watching the same movie clip repeatedly.

The next type of haunting activity is commonly termed the classic haunt. A classic haunting is one in which an entity seems to be well aware of the people and the habitat. Such a spirit can communicate in a knowing intelligent manner.

It's really not unusual during a haunting that can be defined as "classic" for electrical equipment or lighting to be switched on or off, to have objects appear in different spots where you did not leave them, hear sounds, voices, or unexplained bumps and thumps.

The manifestations do not always end with your sense of sight and hearing. You might also experience different smells such as cologne, cigar smoke, perfume, flowers, or food cooking. These scents may be attached or a part of the personality of the individual even after they have passed on.

Sounds like you would like to further know more about these unexplained mysteries?

If you believe that you would like to enter this field of investigation or are experience paranormal phenomena and really don't know what action steps you should take, here are some tips that can get you started on the right path to discernment.

Ghost-Hunting Equipment

Although your body is the primary machine for supernatural activity, having equipment that will provide you sound, accurate, and objective data is a must-have. The presence of a spirit can be identified by specialized types of equipment designed to detect paranormal activity.

Ghost-hunting equipment does not have to break the bank. You do not have to purchase dozens of complicated equipment in order to obtain acute consistent data for investigative results. However, you do need to own basic gear that will meet your needs.

The majority of equipment will be centered around tools which detect disturbances in electro-magnetic fields. The energy that is sported by an entity has electro-magnetic properties and thereby any disturbance in environment can be a possible indicator of a ghost.

So what is some of the basic tools that you will need to get going? Here are some suggestions for essential gear.

Basic Equipment:

- Flashlight and additional batteriesDon't be surprised if you need extra batteries during an investigation. Entities are believed to draw in energy from their immediate surroundings. It has been documented that new batteries can be drained in a matter of minutes. A sturdy flashlight or two is your first choice to help you during night time investigations or in total dark areas. Locations that you will be investigating will usually be without a light or electricity source.

- Writing Material - Notes and observations should be recorded as soon as possible. Recording your data and personal experiences when it is happening is essential for accuracy. Information can also be entered using specialized ghost hunting software for analysis right at the location.

- A Digital or 35mm CameraThis tool is most certainly the most cost efficient and stress-free piece of ghost hunting equipment to begin your investigative career. You really require a flash on your camera so you can make a decision to use it at the appropriate time.

Extra batteries should also be considered. Paranormal activity is often captured on camera that we cannot see. Orbs and ectoplasm are best documented in this manner.

- Tape RecorderThe best method to capture electronic voice phenomena (EVP) is by using a tape recorder. You have a choice of an analog or digital type of recorder. Please make sure that this gear is equipped with a microphone that is external to situate away from the machine so that noise and static can be eliminated for more accurate data.

- Time Piece/Watch Be sure you wear or carry a sturdy old fashion watch that is not run by batteries. A watch with a second hand is also a good idea for exact time documentation.

- Cell Phones Or Walkie-TalkiesCell phones are unreliable and batteries may also drain. Be sure you have a means of communication with your team members at all times. No one should attempt an investigation alone. This is important for your safety should you require help at any location.

- First Aid KitAccidents happen no matter where you are. Investigating dark or old locations raises the chances for an injury. Your team's well-being should be foremost on your agenda.

Intermediate Equipment

- Digital Video CameraA digital video camera will provide you with invaluable information that you can return to verify and analyze. Yes, a picture is worth a thousand words and motion a million. A video documentation will authenticate the event totally including the date, time, environmental conditions, and the timespan of the event.

A sturdy holder or tripod should be part of the camera gear to ensure a stabile base for accuracy in a particular locale.

EMF MeterOne of the most important components of a great investigation is the addition of the electromagnetic field detector. The premise of this ghost hunting device is that EMF movements from ordinary surroundings will remain at baseline with no peaks or spikes.

Spirit generated EMF will produce up and down readings because they release a magnetic field which varies. The meter will detect only those fields which are above the threshold for human activity or thresholds which are much higher than the normal range.

Besides noting the energy field of spirits, this is a wonderful piece of ghost hunting equipment to use when beginning any investigation to note baseline readings. Paranormal investigators can detect any electromagnetic activity fields that are already above baseline readings prior to the investigation.

Advanced Equipment

Thermal Detection EquipmentSudden changes in temperatures are a good indication of paranormal presence. The theory rests that entities gathering energy from the environment. This will cause a drop in temperature in an attempt for the spirit to show itself. A remote wireless thermometer is easy to manipulate and will notify the investigator of any sudden temperature change in the atmosphere.

An infrared thermometer comes equipped with a laser wand that can measure temperatures at a secure space. It is extraordinarily accurate and a great tool to accurately denote the temperature of rooms, halls, basement, tunnels or upper floor attics.

Changes in the ambient temperature of ten degrees or more may be an indicator of paranormal activity.

Motion Detectors There are several motion detectors available with specific investigative properties. Not all motion detectors operate in the same way. Some detectors can be battery operated and some need an electrical plug to work. Alarm systems are installed to notify you of any change in the environment.

Infrared And Thermal Imaging CamerasInfrared signatures are electromagnetic wave lengths of radiation which are beyond our visible spectrum to observe. Prices of the equipment will be different depending on the technology and its features..

Infrared technology can denote any changes in an area in basically two avenues. It can compare the location's heat composition to the reading it took when you set it in motion, or it can note noise during its sweep and any disturbance that unexpectedly occurs within the room to make a warning signal alarm.

Spirit BoxThis device allows the investigator to hear through headset or speaker, responses from entities much like that of a walkie-talkie. The noise from the box can be distracting but with practice and manipulation, you can be able to discern speech above all the white noise. The accuracy of the ghost box is determined by the radio signals in the location you are investigating.

You - The Ultimate Investigative ToolDo you have what it takes to be a ghost hunter? It takes more than the most up to date equipment to conduct a investigation.

To be a paranormal investigator you become the most valuable tool in your arsenal of investigative gear. Ghost-hunting requires an individual with a sense of honesty, courage, good judgment, patience, and objectivity, respect, and caution. A healthy sense of skepticism plays a vital role in any scientific investigation.

Professionalism and honoring any client information as confidential is an important factor in determining normal occurrences from phenomena that is unexplained.

The most critical piece of ghost-hunting equipment you can bring to a location is your thoughtfulness, investigative objective skills, and common sense. Don't leave home without them!

So if you believe you are sensing things you cannot explain happen to you, don't run away, but bring out your best.

Who knows - it just might be a spirit who wants to communicate!

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

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