Saturday, April 20, 2013

Self Defense Weapons - Here is a Self Defense Spray That's Better Than Pepper Spray! - Sports - Martial Arts

Are you looking for legal, yet highly effective weapons for self defense? Well, given the state of affairs today - you should be!

But, in today's world, with more and more laws being passed to restrict your ability to protect yourself, you must look to non-traditional items as effective self defense weapons. And, that's what this article is all about.

After reading this article, you'll have another tool in your arsenal to use against the unsuspecting attacker who makes the mistake of choosing you as a target!

So, let me ask you... when you think of self defense weapons, what comes to mind?

Perhaps you have things on your list like:

Guns Knives Pepper Spray Cane, and maybe even other weapons like the Kubotan keychain weapon

The problem with many of these weapons is that any one or more of them might be illegal where you live. And, even if they are legal where you live, you may find that, if you travel, you may not be able to bring your favorite weapon with you.

So, the trick in today's world is to be able to find common, everyday items in your environment that are both at-hand AND legal!

One of the common items that I suggest is very much like the pepper-based, self defense sprays that are available. But, where pepper spray has a limit on distance - often requiring that you wait until the attacker is close-enough to touch you - you will be able to hit an attacker with a much stronger spray... OVER 30 feet away!

Any idea what I'm suggesting?

It's wasp spray!

The benefits of this powerful deterrent include:

It's legalThe can carries MUCH more fluid than a pepper spray canister The cap is larger and formed to your trigger-finger for your safety Greater range to stop an attacker Did I mention that it's legal?!

I know it might sound funny to carry a can of wasp spray in your purse, but it's very easy to keep one in your car (except on really hot days), or next to your door in case of a home invasion.

As you can see, self defense requires that you can think outside the box. In today's world, you must worry about the attacker AND the legal system that's supposed to protect you!

Effective self defense requires more than just a few "karate moves." It involves the ability to think strategically, and understand how to defend yourself with as little wear-and-tear on you as possible.For more information on what you MUST know to survive a real street attack, read my newest self defense book: "Fight Smarter - Not Harder!" It's available free at: /street-fighting-self-defense-book.html

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

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