Tuesday, April 23, 2013

My transition from In-store to online shopper - Business - ECommerce

I love to shop. There is no way I can deny that. On top of that, I am not just any shopper; I am a "deal hunter"! Yes I am one of those people who would go in a store if it has a "sales" banner on it; even if they are selling they are selling cat food, and I don't even own a pet!My best hangout as a teenager was of course at mall. There was a time when I could spend hours and hours in the mall with my girl friends going from store to store picking up random stuff. Oh I so miss the golden old days. But unfortunately I grew up and with age came responsibility For me responsibility meant spending less time in the mall and more on the desk job I was doing. Well at least I had weekends to pamper myself in familiar surroundings (of a mall). Deal hunting was still my favorite hobby More time passed and now on top of a full time job, I have a husband and two kids to take care of. In today's economy, deal hunting has become more of a survival strategy then a hobby for me. The prob lem is that I really don't have time for deal hunting any more . Yes I still love shopping yes I still love to find deals but after taking care of everything at home and work, I really don't have the time or energy to shop like I once had I am sure a lot of readers would associate with my current situation, and that is exactly why I decided to sit down and type this up on my laptop. Yes Laptop has become my new fixation, my breathing space, my social life and the only "me time" I have after a long day!Not very long ago, it was on Face book where a friend of mine introduced me a deal hunting website, I knew a lot of stores have their own websites and I used to check them out every now and then, but finding it all under one roof, was like a dream come true, like going to a virtual mall without having to drive, like finding a parking space without even looking. Clicking on different stores and finding great clearance deals on I felt like Alice in the wonderland or more like a kid in a candy store.I am sure most of you have already used online coupons one way or the other, but for me, being new to this part of the shopping world, the biggest issue with an online purchase was what if I don't like it upon delivery? Well guess what??? Most of the online stores have easy return policy and in most cases we can chose to return the stuff we don't like either by shipping it back or taking it back to our local store. Now that was easy!Just yesterday, I wanted to buy something special for my daughter, when I asked her what she want, she said a Ruby Necklace, (what can I say she is my daughter!). Together, we clicked on , browsed on the various online jewelry stores in their list, found a good deal on a Ruby Necklace on ice.com used a 20% off coupon on top from and ended up paying $104 including shipping and taxes for a 22 carat lab created ruby necklace! Now that's a deal even I couldn't find in the local mall.I hope you liked my journey from store to onl ine shopper. My next project is online Back to School shopping. I will make sure to update you with the best deals I find. Till then, CIOA!!!!

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

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