Friday, April 19, 2013

Is bear hunting Good or Bad? - Sports - Extreme Sports

Hunting is a highly restricted activity these days around the world. There are very few places which allow legal hunting of bears and at time do have to face the brunt from the animal activists. Is bear hunting good or bad? Let us try and find answer to this.

This is a very basic question whose answer cant be a simple yes or a no. Let us just take a sneak peek in the history to find out was is the fuss about hunting. As the human beings evolved they learned and mastered the art of hunting to satisfy their hunger. It was absolute necessity out then. Gradually human beings developed more skills and began to grow different fruits and crops which would meet requirements of food. Not everywhere in the world climate was such that it would support organized cultivation of food grains. Many parts of the world have no option but to still hunt and feed them.

Soon there was more development and food grown in one part of the world begun to be stored and transported all around the world. Hunting continued because by this time man was so used to eating meat products that it wont be possible him to stop doing it.

Things were still in control at this time, but things become worse when certain species of animals were on the verge of existence and still continued to be hunt down by human beings for sheer thrill and excitement for more than anything else. Soon laws were formed all over the world towards protecting these species and banning hunting completely.

Things are still not so bad in certain parts of the world. Or rather things are exactly opposite in few places where animal population has become a problem and needs to be controlled. Alaska is one such state where population of brown bears is alarmingly high and needs to be checked. Government are made provisions to allow hunting in these places under controlled set of regulations so that people can continue to experience that thrill and adventure while unwanted animal population could also be kept in check.

So whether bear hunting sport is good or bad depends on the situation and place it takes place. While bears have the ability to reproduce themselves quickly, allowing hunting in a controlled manner could be a good option. In case you would be interested in bear hunting you may have the best chance in Alaska waiting for you.

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

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