Saturday, April 20, 2013

Hunting Stands - Why You Should Use Them - Outdoors - Hunting

Why use hunting stands? There are many reasons that you should have this tool in your hunting arsenal. Some of which I will list below.

1 - If the animal can't smell you than you have the advantage..

2 - They can't see you because you're up high. Most animals don't have predators above the ground.

3 - The animal can't hear you.

These are the main reasons why you want to be in a hunting stand! busting through the brush will not only get you wet and tired but it will scare off anything you are trying to tag and bag.

There are many different hunting stands to choose from.

* Portable hunting stands

* Tower Stands

* Climbing stands

* Hanging stands plus many more!

There are also permanent stands that are up all year long. Usually because where they are set up is usually good hunting ground, on a feed plot or on leased land. Permanent stands are nice because you can build them to suit you and your needs.

The downfall of these types of stands is that they are not portable. you cannot just move them at your leisure. Portable ones on the other hand can get you up and hunting quickly.

There are many good articles about Hunting Stands out there that will help you decide which is best for you.

I personally like portable climbing stands as you can basically hunt anywhere. you are not limited to only areas accessible by your vehicle.

Remember, choose a stand that fits all your needs and is:

* Comfortable

* Roomy

* Strong and Stable

* Easy to construct or use

Hopefully these tips will help you realize the benefits of using a hunting stand over busting the brush.

More Tips For Choosing What's Best For You

If you happen to be handicapped or overweight or just thing that you're just to old to be climbing up a tree stand, I have some suggestions for you.

Build or have someone construct a tree stand for you that has a lot of space for good movement.

Get a ladder stand that is sturdy and can fit two people.( yes they make them too)

Construct a tree house type of a stand that gives you easy access with stairs rather than a ladder. (Tree houses are always fun anyway!)

Look at all the different choices you have and decide which will best suit your personal hunting needs.

Good hunting!

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

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