Thursday, April 18, 2013

How To Hunt Coyote-3 Tips To Outfox Them - Outdoors - Hunting

The growing popularity of coyote hunting has expanded through the ranks of whitetail hunters across this country. This provides the hunter with an additional hunting season which helps to keep his skills sharp. Further, it the hunter the opportunity to hunt a very different species of animal in a very different venue, night hunting. This combination makes leaning how to hunt coyotes an exciting prospect to many hunters.

The prime coyote hunting season across most of this country is between December and March. Make no mistake about it, this is the coldest, most unforgiving time of the year for a hunter to be sitting on a stand or set up at the base of a tree. While many hunting strategies are similar between whitetail and coyote hunting, there is definitely some distinct differences. For the greenhorn coyote hunter, learning these subtle differences will be a key to initial success. By sticking to some of the basics, you can not only call in a coyote, but learn their behavior and use it to your advantage. Here are 3 tips to help increase your chances of calling in a coyote whether you are a greenhorn or a seasoned hunter.

1. Have the right equipment- though this may seem like a no brianer, many hunters often try to get by with the same equipment they use for their whitetail hunts. While utilizing a rifle you already own is a good idea, consider that you may want a rifle scope specifically designed for coyote hunting. Where the season to hunt coyote is in the dead of winter, having snow pattern camo outfit, boot spikes and snow shoes are a must. Oh yes, and let's not forget the all important predator call. Having an electronic call as well as hand call will help you to seal the deal when a coyote comes in to investigate.

2. Use the wind- Just like with hunting whitetails, coyotes have an amazing sense of smell. Be sure that your stand or set up is downwind of the most likely path of an incoming coyote. If you are not sure about the wind or it changes while you're out there, pack up and go home. If you can't beat the coyotes nose, calling all night won't make a difference.

3. Sneak into your hunting location- When you are heading to your stand or set up, make sure that you sneak in. Consider the fact that a coyote may already be watching you. Use the terrain to help cover your approach, try to remain as quiet as possible and stop occasionally to listen. If a coyote, or any other animal for that matter, should hear your approach, it's not worth freezing all night long, pack up and get warm.

While having the right equipment, working the wind and being stealthy on your approach is vital, proper use of your coyote calls is even more important. Certain calls will increase your success almost every time you head out. However, with the increasing popularity of coyote hunting, these already wary creatures are even more sensitized to the use of electronic calls.

There is a pattern to you can use when you are calling in a coyote. This pattern will not only increase your chances for success, but it could mean the difference of calling in an entire pack of coyote or seeing none at all. To discover what secrets exist in the calling pattern, visit my website.

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