Friday, April 19, 2013

Get Information - Hunting Lease Insurance! - Outdoors - Hunting

Whether you are a member of a hunting club or a landowner leasing to a hunt club, hunting insurance is essential. This is because both parties assume a degree of legal risk. Landowners have a duty to guests, those paying to hunt (leaseholders or clients) and, to a lesser degree, trespassers. Hunters need liability insurance to protect themselves, other members of their hunting group, and even guests against acts for which they could be held legally responsible. It is simply not worth the risk of your personal assets or financial security for an unfortunate accident or acts of others on your property you hunt.

Today's hunting sportsmen face liabilities far different than in days past, when finding game and putting food on the table was the sportsman's main concern, and a landowner worried very little if friends or neighbors hunted on his property. Today, many hunting clubs and landowners feel the risk of these new liabilities. Therefore, hunting clubs either carry, or landowners require their leasing hunting clubs to carry liability insurance.

Most accidents can be prevented with a proactive hunter safety program. Hunter education drastically reduces hunting accidents. Responsible, ethical behavior and personal involvement are essential to the survival of hunting. Hunter safety education instills responsibility, improves skills and knowledge, and encourages the involvement of beginner and veteran hunters. A strong education program includes safety with firearms in the field and at home, respect for other people and property, and compliance with laws and wildlife regulations.

Despite your best efforts in promoting safety at your club, from posting safety rules in the clubhouse and in the field, offering a safety quiz prior to hunting, maintaining equipment and even requiring wearing hunter orange, accidents can and do happen. In the event a member or guest is injured while on club property, a liability policy provides protection should the club be held liable for any injuries sustained. Even if deemed innocent in a lawsuit, legal fees can exceed hundreds of thousands of dollars. Is your club prepared to handle that type of expense?

Due to relatively low accident rates, hunting insurance is very inexpensive. Most hunting lease insurance policies can be purchased for under $200 thanks to required safety education courses which are mandatory across all 50 states. Make the responsible move and insure yourself and loved ones while you are in the field. Hunting insurance should be in everyone's risk management portfolio whether you are a general laborer or a multi millionaire.

Automatic blog by iAutoblog

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