Monday, April 1, 2013

Deer Hunting - Sports

Deer hunting is the sport of pursuing deer which began as early as 7,000 BC. There are numerous types of deer throughout the world that are hunted.

The deer most sought after in North America, east of the Rocky Mountains, is the white-tailed deer. West of the Rockies, the mule deer is the dominant deer. The most notable differences between the two are the differences in ears, tail, antler shape, and body size.The mule deer's ears are longer than the ears of a white-tailed deer, and resemble that of a mule. Mule deer have a black-tipped tail which is smaller than that of the white-tailed deer. Buck deer of both species sprout antlers; the antlers of the mule deer branch and rebranch, while white-tailed bucks have one main beam with several tines sprouting from it. White-tailed bucks are usually smaller than mule deer bucks.

There are four common methods of hunting deer: stalking, which consists of following signs and trails of deer; stand hunting, waiting where deer are likely to travel (including tree stands); still hunting; and line drives, which consists of flushing deer toward a line of hunters. Scouting and stalking involves following deer signs. Common signs include rubs, scrapes, and tracks. Scrapes are places where bucks scratch the ground and urinate below low hanging branches on the edge of fields. Bucks do this to mark territory and attract female deer. Deer tracks may tell you the size and age of a deer. Rubs are marks on the trunks and low branches of trees where bucks have rubbed the velvet off their antlers. Another purpose for this action is that it marks territory with a visual signpost.Another method of deer hunting, although illegal in most states, is dog driving. Dogs are used to drive deer to a place where the hunter can get a shot.

There are also numerous factors that play a role in deer movement, but the one thing that can usually be counted on is the movement of deer 30 minutes before sunrise and 30 minutes after sunset when the deer are going to or leaving their feeding ground. The main factors in deer movement are precipitation, wind, hunting pressure, rut, and lunar movement. Deer will stay in their bedding area during stormy weather, and when the storm stops, the deer usually start moving. The deer will move to an area they feel is safe for them; they will also start moving if the storm passed through their feeding period. Most deer feeding occurs in fields of agriculture such as corn and soybeans. Because they don't like to be caught in the open during a storm, the deer tend to move to a more covered area of the feeding ground or leave the ground entirely until the storm ends. The rut, usually a month long period in which bucks mate with does, can last longer or slightly shorter than one month . The rut causes deer to be more active and do things that they would not normally do. The last factor in deer movement is the position of the moon. When the moon is directly overhead deer seem to be more active.

Many different weapons are permitted in various states of the USA during certain times of deer season. These include bows, crossbows, rifles, shotguns, and muzzleloaders.

Archery season usually opens weeks or months before a state or locality's Gun season and can be permitted for several weeks or months afterwards. Modern compound bows and recurve bows are used, as well as some primitive recurve and longbows by historical enthusiasts when permitted.

Rifles and shotguns are commonly used for hunting deer. Most regions place limits on the minimum caliber or gauge to be used; rimfire rifles and centerfires under.22 caliber are often prohibited due to ethical concerns. Some areas of the United States prohibit rifle hunting altogether; most hunters in these areas use 10, 12, or 20 gauge shotguns with buckshot or slug loads.

Muzzleloader hunting is also a common practice. Modern muzzleloading rifles equipped with synthetic stocks, telescopic and fiber optic sights, in-line ignition systems, advanced bullet designs, and black powder substitutes such as Pyrodex are much more effective than the muskets of generations past. However, many traditionalists still use wood stocked, iron sighted rifles with round lead balls and traditional black powder charges.

Camouflage has been used for many years and while it is very important, it is not essential, especially during Gun season when it is required that hunters wear blaze orange clothing when on public land.

There are many different types of deer stands, ladder stands, climbers and stationary blinds. Ladder stands are ladders with a platform on top of them chained to a tree. Climber stands are platforms with a seat that may be carried on your back and then placed usually about 4-8 feet off the ground on a tree. Stationary blinds, built from wood and other materials are meant to be a durable and long-lasting blind either on a stand or on the ground, depending on the terrain. Knives are essential for skinning and field dressing deer. Tags and permits are required to hunt deer legally which helps defray the cost of enforcement and conservation programs.

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